domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Rumbo a... LONDRES

22 de Agosto, de camino a Londres
Eso significa que no actualizaré el blog durante esta semana, pero aunque no vaya a parar de visitar sitios, andar, ver tiendas, etc, pensare en nuevos modelos (o "outfits") que compartir con vosotros asap (as soon as posible)

Volveré cargada de nuevas y refrescantes ideas, intentare captar la esencia del estilo británico y espero que os guste.

Londres es una capital de la moda, una ciudad en la que la moda y el estilo son casi una forma de vida, y el hecho de que esto sea así, hace que tenga muchas ganas de visitarla, aprender cosas nuevas y perderme entre sus calles.

¡Volvere pronto!
muchos besos

August, 22, on the way to London!
That means that I won't be able to update the blog I've just created this week...but I promise, I will be back with new posts asap.

Despite not having any free time because of travelling and visiting places in London, I will think on new outfits and come back plenty of new things to share with you. I will also return full of ideas taken from and inspirated in the British style, and I hope you'll like them!

London is one of the capitals of fashion, a city in which trends and style are almost a way of life, and the fact that it is a very stylish city, makes me want to arrive there as soon as I can, I can't wait to walk on its avenues, little roads and also...go shopping, of course!

have a nice week
thank you a lot

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